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The concern for personal security has led to the invention of the stun guns and pepper spray that have come into the market and is purchased by many today. Possessing a stun gun or a pepper spray has become quite common as it is good self- defense against any attacker. With the economies growing at a fast pace, the number of people working and high paying demanding jobs has become a common thing. Late nights and traveling alone at odd hours has become quite a regular feature with the offices working very late hours.

Keeping a stun gun or a pepper spray provides the person with some confidence as regards his or her personal security. A stun gun does not disable the attacker permanently and has only a temporary effect that gives the victim enough time to escape from the place. The stun gun provides only a low ampere charge but at a high voltage so is disabling at that time but does not do any permanent harm. The stun gun is therefore, a good option for personal security. There are stun guns that do not look like a gun and therefore, do not make the attacker alert and can also be carried easily in the purse or a bag.

A pepper spray or Oleoresin capsicum spray is also a good tool for personal security. The pepper spray disables the attacker completely not leaving him in a position to follow the victim. The effect of the pepper spray is also temporary but it is really disabling causing a lot of discomfort to the attacker. It gives the victim enough time to escape from the place.

Some tips on using the pepper spray effectively are:

?Use the pepper spray on the attacker and take him by surprise. You must act soon before he gets any time to react.

?The pepper spray must be directly aimed at the attacker and sprayed for sometime (it should not be used for very long or for a very less time).

?One must be sure of how to use the pepper spray and read the instructions carefully because in case of a situation wherein you have to use it you should not be groping around in the dark.

?You should keep it in an easily accessible place.

?Once the attacker is hit and is disabled just run and escape from the scene.

Pepper sprays are available in small canisters that are easy to carry. They are now also available in the shape of small pendants, key chains or rings.

There are different rules in different parts of the world regarding the use of stun guns and pepper sprays,Beats By Dr Dre Solo; therefore, it is advisable to be aware of the law before purchasing one. Related articles:

